Prof. Colin Fournier gives talk on "Super City", hosted by Urban Planning and Land and Resources Commission of Shenzhen Municipality, organized by Shenzhen Center for Design.
TETRA is the spatial design architect for "Walking in the Dream" Opens at the Hong Kong Heritage Museum, Shatin.
Prof. Colin Fournier attends "HKIA Annual Award 2014" Prize-giving Ceremony
TETRA participates in HKTDC Jinan Trade Show
TETRA Director interviewed by Swiss media on his perspective towards Culture & Urbanism
Prof. Colin Fournier is appointed as Juror for the "HKIA Annual Awards 2014"
Prof. Colin Fournier gives talk on "The Meaning of Open Space"
Prof. Colin Fournier is appointed as Juror in Shenzhen, China
Prof. Colin Fournier participates in the "Time Capsule Burial Ceremony for M+" for West Kowloon Cultural District Authority (WKCDA)
Tatler’s The 500 List - Andrew Kinoshita
TETRA participates in Green Office Awards Labelling Scheme 2014
TETRA Director on Rethinking "Weird" Architecture in China
TETRA: Created in China - Shenzhen Public Forum
Artist, architect re-animate history with Open Cinema
Andrew Kinoshita features at 9 Men about Town Celebrate Prestige Hong Kong's 9th Anniversary
Shenzhen Louhu Caiwuwei Revitalization Urban Design Competition was successfully Completed
Prof. Colin Fournier participates in the publication of Ten Manifesto of Shenzhen Bay "Future City"
Prof. Colin Fournier gives talk on "Super City"
Prof. Colin Fournier appointed as Juror in the final review of Shenzhen Bay “Super City” International Competition
Allen Poon participates at RTHK programme Free as the Wind about the beauty and ugliness of Hong Kong Architecture
Public lecture by TETRA Director on "A Hong Kong Dream" at SZU
TETRA@Oil Street, a sharing between the Artist and the Architect
TETRA presents at ATU Shenzhen "Hong Kong in the Making" public lecture
UABB 2013 Curator: Urban Planning and Culture Building published on Architectural Society of China
Allen Poon on TETRA Multi-million design features in SCMP
Prof. Colin Fournier holds the laudation for the honorary award of Daylight Award 2014 at Kunsthaus Zurich
Andrew Kinoshita participates All the Right Notes
TETRA Curator moderates UABB 2013 forum at on Urban Crisis
TETRA Director interviewed by NFmedia News
TETRA Director shares ideas behind the "Urban Mat" on Cornwall Street Park
James Kinoshita and his son Andrew tell Hong Kong Tatler about the changing landscape of Hong Kong
Shenzhen Daily reported on UABBHK opening
UABBHK was opened, the Architects of UABB shared their ideas
Allen Poon shared ideas behind artwork "Skeleton in the Closet" with Shanghai Media @ Swire Artistree
Prof. Colin Fournier gives talk on The ecology of ideas behind the M+ museum projects
UABB 2013 was inaugurated in Hong Kong
Artwork by Allen Poon and Eric Tong "Skeleton in the Closet" was reported by Luxury Insider
Allen Poon participates at RTHK programme Free as the Wind about Pok Fu Lam Village
TETRA people participates in RTHK programme Game of Poor Billionaire
TETRA participates in Green Office Awards Labelling Scheme 2013
Cornwall Street Park was awarded RFP Outstanding Space Award 2013
TETRA participates in design workshop for Shenzhen Kingkey Real Estate Development Company Limited.
Colin Fouriner is appointed as the Chairman of Jury Panel for the M+ Museum Design Competition for West Kowloon Cultural District Authority (WKCDA)
TETRA and Taiwan Bio Architecture Formosana joint force
Allen Poon gives talk on Design Thinking
Allen Poon published his research essay on Pok Fu Lam Village - A Historic Settlement Down Victoria Peak
Centipede Cinema by Prof. Colin Fournier, Prof. Marysia Lewandowska and NEON
Park Deco at Cornwall Street Park Reveals Local Designers’ Creative and Artistic Flair
Executive Director Allen Poon shared his research on Discover Design "Interview with Designers - Into Pok Fu Lam Village"
TETRA gave lecture at EWHA University in Seoul, South Korea
TETRA + Bioarchitecture Formosana enter the Tender of the Comprehensive Master Plan and Phase One Construction of CUHK (Shenzhen) as alternative bidders
Allen Poon completes artalive@park2012 with CUHK
The Venice Bienanle HK Pavilion 2006 was awarded HKIA Annual Award - for Works Outside of Hong Kong
Response Exhibition of Venice Bienanle China/Hong Kong Pavilion was setup at Bank of China
Hong Kong Curator presents his Curatorial ideas behind HK Pavilion on the Venice Biennale at Asia Cultural Cooperation Forum 2006
International Forum at China/Hong Kong Pavilion was held in Venice
China/Hong Kong Pavilion was opened at Venice
Men's Uno Magazine interviews Hong Kong curators on Venice Architecture Biennale
Ming Pao Weekly interviews the Curators of the Biennale
First China/Hong Kong Pavilion Curators Announced to direct the 10th Venice Biennale of International Architecture Exhibition